Meet the man who, in his lifetime, had mastered the art of literature in every facet imaginable. Winner of multiple Pulitzer Prizes and numerous other awards, John Updike has expressed himself through poetry, novels, children's books, criticism, and even a play. Updike was most famous for his novels, and the extension of his vocabulary has captured many hearts during his lifetime, as well as even now after his death earlier this year in January, 2009. Known for capturing his opinion on America, nature, sex, adultery, and love, Updike has only but wanted to allow his view on life through his writing; and he has done it successfully throughout the course of his life time. We hope this website brings you light on the man behind such famous works as the Rabbit series, and his final contribution of collective poems Endpoint. Ladies and gentleman, "John Updike's World"...
"I like middles. It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules." - JOHN UPDIKE
Three Short Poems by John Updike, Roman Emperor Hadrian, and an anonymous erotic Sanskrit poem