"What art offers is space - a certain breathing room for the spirit." JOHN UPDIKE
AZ Lyrics, "Ciara Lyrics- "Love Sex Magic" feat.
Justin Timberlake". AZ Lyrics. December 4, 2009
<http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/ciara/lovesexmagic.html >.
Brainy Media, "John Updike Quotes". Xplore Inc..
December 2, 2009
McMahan, Elizabeth, Day Susan X, and Funk Robert. Literature and the Writing Process: Eighth Edition.
Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007.
Music Emissions, "Brother Ali Profile Page". Music
Emissions. December 8, 2009
New York Times, "Arts: A Conversation with John
Updike - NYTimes.com/Video". Youtube. December 3,
Oxford University Press, "Literary Imagination".
Oxford Journals. December 10, 2009
Poetry Foundation, "Audio and Podcasts- Food".
Poetry Foundation. November 23, 2009
Poetry Foundation, "Audio and Podcasts- Three Short
Poems". Poetry Foundation. November 23, 2009
Poetry Foundation, "Poet: John Updike: Biography".
Poetry Foundation. November 24, 2009
Rose, Charlie. "Charlie Rose- John Updike". Youtube. December 3, 2009 <http://www.youtube.co
VEVO, "Ciara featuring Justin Timberlake - Love Sex
Magic". Youtube. December 4, 2009